Importation of Animals and Animal Products
The Veterinary and Livestock Services Divi- sion (VLSD) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production, Fisheries, Co-operatives and Rural Development is responsible for safeguarding the health of the animal as well as human population, through the control of animal diseases and by preventing the introduction of exotic diseases.
It is the duty of the VLSD to enforce and administer the Animal (Disease and Impor- tation) Act, 2005.
Anyone who wishes to import any animals or animal products into Saint Lucia must apply to the Veterinary Authority for an Import Permit Upon arrival into Saint Lucia, all animals and animal products MUST be inspected by the officials from the Veterinary and Livestock Services Division
For more information, visit the Website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources & Co-Operatives: