Customs & Excise Department
Saint Lucia

Customs Valuation

What is a "Customs Value?"

The Customs Laws require that where duty must be charged by reference to their value (ad Valorem) that value must first be the transaction value, that is the price paid or payable for the imported goods. Added to this is the cost of shipping (freight) and any insurance premium paid or payable on the goods in question for its arrival in Saint Lucia.

The value must also include charges such as commissions, assists (materials supplied by the importer), packing costs, proceeds of resale accruing to the seller, royalties and license fees, etc.

The acceptance of transaction value by Customs is subject to certain conditions such as:

Where the transaction value cannot be used, the following alternatives will be used for determining the Customs value:

A false declaration of Value is an offense and when detected may result in harsh penalties and delayed clearance from Customs. Some goods that are commonly undervalued are:

Importers are therefore asked to ensure that the accurate value is declared to Customs.